My Freedom

My Freedom

Mana Brīvība

1h 46min  |  Drama, Historical  |  Release Date: 28.09.2023

Time of change in Latvia. The free-thinking and charismatic Alicia is actively involved in the People's Front and becomes a star of the Latvian National Awakening. However, achievements also bring complications and tough choices in private life.

The movie is in Latvian with subtitles in Latvian and English.

Distributor: Baltic Content Media
Director: Ilze Kunga-Melgaile
Cast: Ērika Eglija-Grāvele, Darius Meškauskas, Gints Grāvelis, Ilze Ķuzule-Skrastiņa, Egons Dombrovskis
Links: Facebook


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