Cinema Club

What is the Forum Cinemas Cinema Club

As a Cinema Club member, you are guaranteed to receive the best prices and offers. Special prices include everything from 2D/3D film sessions and the premium auditoriums (the PEPSI and LUX auditoriums), to the normal auditoriums. Naturally, you will also get to enjoy pre-screenings and premieres at special prices, as well as various exciting special sessions with actors and film makers.

Cinema Club bonuses

The more You come to the cinema, the more advantages and bonuses You get!

  • Cinema Friend - 0-13 cinema tickets purchased during the year
  • Cinema Fan - 14-41 cinema tickets purchased during the year
  • Cinema Guru - at least 42 cinema tickets purchased during the year

Forum Cinemas Kino Kluba atlaides

The new offer of the Cinema Club is valid from 07.11.2023.

Join the Cinema Club right now and you will start receiving benefits from the first purchase. You can enter instantly and absolutely free of charge by registering at the Cinema Club.

Wishing you the best cinematic adventure,

Your Cinema Club

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