The legend of Zorro

The legend of Zorro

Legend of Zorro, The

2час 11мин  |  Приключенческий фильм  |  В кино с: 28.10.2005

It has been six years since the last Zorro film. Now, he's back with an all new installment where he has been quietly settling with his own family in San francisco. His little boy, Jouqauin, is now 10 years old and contains no information of his father's secret life. When these angry tyrants come with plans of their own, Zorro is called upon to save the day against his new nemesis, Armand. Also Elena will be in mask as the try aspiring wife and new partner of Zorro.

Starring: Antonio Banderas, Catherine Zeta - Jones, Rufus Sewell

English language with latvian and russian subtitles.

Дистрибьютор: Columbia Pictures


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