Love in the time of cholera

Love in the time of cholera

2час 18мин  |  Драма, Романтика  |  В кино с: 18.01.2008

Based on the timeless masterpiece by Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garc?a M?rquez and spanning a half-century in the complex, magical and sensual city of Cartage?a, Colombia, the sweeping romantic epic tells the story of a man who waits over fifty years for his one true love.

Cast: Javier Bardem, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Benjamin Bratt, John Leguizamo u.c.

Directed by Mike Newell

Script: Ronald Harwood, Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Producer: Scott Steindorff

Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.

Дистрибьютор: Acme Film SIA


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