The eerie and deserted ghost town of Silent Hill draws a young mother desperate to find a cure for her only child's illness. Unable to accept the doctor's diagnosis that her daughter should be permanently institutionalized for psychiatric care, Rose (Radha Mitchell) flees with her child, heading for the abandoned town in search of answers - and ignoring the protests of her husband (Sean Bean). It's soon clear this place is unlike anywhere she's ever been...
It's smothered by fog, inhabited by a variety of strange beings and periodically overcome by a living Darkness that literally transforms everything it touches. As Rose searches for her little girl, she begins to learn the history of the strange town and realizes that her daughter is just a pawn in a larger game.
Cast: Radha Mitchell, Sean Bean, Deborah Unger, Laurie Holden, Kim Coates, Tanya Allen, Jodelle Ferland
Directed by Christophe Gans
English language with latvian and russian subtitles.
Acme Film SIA