Don't talk about it

Don't talk about it

1час 55мин  |  Драма  |  В кино с: 31.08.2007

Beatrise (Rezija Kalnina) is in her thirties, drifting in her life. She has never made independent decisions but based her life on unsuccesfull relationships collapsing one after another like sand castles. Forced to reevaluate her life she realizes that the only way to reach harmony is to start making decisions by herself not relaying to circumstances, illusory feelings and beautiful words.

Cast: Rēzija Kalniņa, Sandra Zvīgule, Ģirts Ķesteris, Juris Žagars, Harijs Spanovskis, Lenarda Ķestere, Lāsma Bušmane

Directed by Una Celma

Movie in Latvian.

Дистрибьютор: Latsfilma, Lats Film AB
В ролях: Rēzija Kalniņa


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