Universal Pictures and Working Title’s CATS is a most-unexpected film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s beloved smash musical “Cats” and the poems from “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats,” by T.S. Eliot. Oscar®-winning director Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech, Les Misérables, The Danish Girl) brings astonishing new technology to transform his performers, who will be choreographed by visionary movement pioneer Wayne McGregor, CBE. Acclaimed casting director Lucy Bevan is casting the film adaptation.
1h 50min
Release Date: 27.12.2019
1h 50min
Release Date 27.12.2019
Inspired by the true story of Danish artists Lili Elbe and her wife Gerda, this tender portrait of a marriage asks: What do you do when someone you love wants to change? Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.
1h 59min
Release Date: 05.02.2016
1h 59min
Release Date 05.02.2016
Les Misérables is the motion-picture adaptation of the beloved global stage sensation seen by more than 60 million people in 42 countries and in 21 languages around the globe and still breaking box-office records everywhere in its 27th year. Helmed by The King’s Speech’s Academy Award®-winning director, Tom Hooper, the Working Title/Cameron Mackintosh production stars Hugh Jackman, Oscar® winner Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway and Eddie Redmayne, with further casting to be announced.
2h 32min
Release Date: 08.02.2013
2h 32min
Release Date 08.02.2013
After the death of his father King George V (Michael Gambon) and the scandalous abdication of Prince Edward VII's (Guy Pearce), Bertie (Colin Firth) who has suffered from a debilitating speech impediment all his life, is suddenly crowned King George VI of England. With his country on the brink of war and in desperate need of a leader, his wife, Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter), the future Queen Mother, arranges for her husband to see an eccentric speech therapist, Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush).
1h 58min
Release Date: 21.01.2011
1h 58min
Release Date 21.01.2011