Over a year after the events of Venom, investigative journalist Eddie Brock struggles to adjust to life as the host of the alien symbiote Venom, which grants him super-human abilities in order to be a lethal vigilante. Brock attempts to reignite his career by interviewing serial killer Cletus Kasady, who becomes the host of the symbiote Carnage and escapes prison after a failed execution. Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.
1h 37min
Release Date: 15.10.2021
1h 37min
Release Date 15.10.2021
One of Marvel's most enigmatic, complex and badass characters comes to the big screen, starring Academy Award® nominated actor Tom Hardy as the lethal protector Venom. Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian. Available in 3D and 2D.
1h 52min
Release Date: 05.10.2018
1h 52min
Release Date 05.10.2018