A Los Angeles fairy tale doomed to become a cynical tragedy. Stand-up comedian Henry, a self-proclaimed “The Ape of God”, and Ann, an opera diva, are madly in love with one another. So passionately and earnestly that they dedicate a duet to their love. Every night, Henry’s devastating humour “kills” the audience, while Ann’s voice guides and “saves” them. Henry quips that humour is one of the few opportunities to tell the truth without getting killed.
2h 20min
Release Date: 24.02.2022
2h 20min
Release Date 24.02.2022
Tokyo is a city of transitions in three short films. A young woman who finds her life useless experiences a metamorphosis. A disheveled Caucasian emerges from a manhole to face arrest, trial, and execution; he calls himself "Merde" and speaks a language only his look-alike attorney understands. Is he human? A recluse experiences human contact when a pizza-delivery girl faints at his door during an earthquake. He conquers fear to seek her out. A chair, a corpse, a hermit: sources of urban connection?
1h 52min
Release Date: 21.08.2009
1h 52min
Release Date 21.08.2009