This film reimagines and contemporizes the classic tale about a family whose suburban home is invaded by angry spirits. When the terrifying apparitions escalate their attacks inside a small suburban house in a quiet neighborhood and take the youngest daughter, the family must come together to rescue her. Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian.
1h 31min
Release Date: 22.05.2015
1h 31min
Release Date 22.05.2015
A ten-year-old cartographer secretly leaves his family's ranch in Montana where he lives with his cowboy father and scientist mother and travels across the country aboard a freight train to receive an award at the Smithsonian Institute. Movie in 3D. Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian and Russian. The film will be demonstrated within film festival "Spektrs III".
1h 45min
Release Date: 08.04.2015
1h 45min
Release Date 08.04.2015