“The Pit” is based on stories by Jana Egle. It tells the story of Marcus, a ten-year-old boy who has to adjust to a new life living in the countryside with his grandmother. After an incident involving a neighbour girl, the people in the village start treating the boy with intolerance and suspicions. But, by chance, Marcus finds shelter and friendship at the home of a secretive loner called Sailor who lives by the forest. Movie in Latvian with subtitles in English and Russian.
1h 47min
Release Date: 04.06.2022
1h 47min
Release Date 04.06.2022
The journey of an Indian woman who travels to Latvia for a writer’s retreat to work on an autobiographical novel as she struggles with her identity. The plot keeps you on your toes as she gets trapped in a house by one of them and tries to find the courage to confront her true self and escape the hostage situation at the same time. Movie in English with subtitles in Latvian.
1h 9min
Release Date: 10.05.2022
1h 9min
Release Date 10.05.2022