"Big Hero 6" is an action-packed adventure about robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada, who learns to harness his genius—thanks to his brilliant brother Tadashi and their like-minded friends. When a devastating turn of events catapults them into the midst of a dangerous plot unfolding in the streets of San Fransokyo, Hiro turns to his closest companion—a robot named Baymax—and transforms the group into a band of high-tech heroes determined to solve the mystery. Available in 2D and 3D. Dubbed in Latvian and Russian. Several shows in English. Voice cast in English: Ryan Potter, Scott Adsit, T.J.
1h 45min
Release Date: 06.02.2015
1h 45min
Release Date 06.02.2015
Bolt, an American White Shepherd, has lived his whole life on the set of his action TV show, where he believes he has superpowers. When separated from the studio by accident, he meets a female alley cat named Mittens and a hamster named Rhino. Along the way, he learns that he doesn't have superpowers and that the show is not real. Movie dubbed in Latvian and Russian. Movie is available in 3D too.
1h 38min
Release Date: 13.02.2009
1h 38min
Release Date 13.02.2009