A motley kaleidoscope of events in the modern city of Riga. Seven protagonists, each with a separate tale of contemporary addictions, all seemingly united under a selfish obsession with feelings. Although life indeed reminds each of these young people (the maniacal photographer of gruesome scenes; the junior architect at the mercy of slot-machines; his recently demobilized younger brother; the alluring owner of the florist's shop; the multi-talented athlete; the ill-fated computer genius; and the dreamy-eyed girl who writes poetry) of the never-ending choice between real and imaginary values. Through its grotesque form and ironical distance, the film tries to respond to its prime question: perhaps the time we are allotted casts into doubt the very existence of any fundamental values at all? Resolved as a detective mystery, or a puzzle of passionate episodes, the film never once judges its young characters either for their faults or their incessant loss filled yearnings to find themselves and each other.
Starring: Mārtiņš Freimanis, Kristīne Nevarauska, Ģirts Krūmiņš, Regnārs Vaivars, Anna Šteina, Ivars Stonins, Mārcis Lācis, Inese Pabērza, Indra Burkovska, Juris Bartkevičs, Margarita Perveņecka
Baltic Cinema